will be back script



10 min.

I'll be back...



Snow on the screen in picture end sound.03 sec.

The last million of new BioSamples has been just released in the universe. They are still blank. As soon as they reach some source of energy they will start receiving a matrix channel. Our mission competes and auto-destruction program is started. It is declared that the future does not exist any more. Long live the past.

Part of the text on the screen over snow. Parts of the matrix channel start

to appear out of the monitor screen.15 sec.

Our view is inhabited in one of BioSamples later known as MadMax BioSample [:-)

Full matrix channel is presented. 05 sec.

There are 8 small pictures all-round and one bigger in the middle. The small pictures are stills and changing all the time while the middle is active. The whole screen is designed that way, that we in 1993 know this is a kind of interactive stuff.

When the small screen is activated, it moves in the middle and becomes a commercial for a kind of TV program.

BioSamples are very, very small computers with scanned human memory floating free in space of the universe. They all have the capability to communicate with each other. Each BioSamples is at the same time receiver and broadcaster of a kind of TV program. If BioSample is only a receiver, it is a passive element and not aware of its existence. The only thing it can broadcast at that period of time is a still picture or so-called ID-PICT and premade 20 sec. the long trailer of its own personality so-called ID-QuickTime. If enough of other BioSamples select it's ID-PICT to watch on the matrix, it's ID-QuickTime is automatically presented and the BioSample becomes an active part of BioSampleSuperSonyUniverseComunity or BSSSUC and in that case aware of himself. He becomes alive. As long his ID-QuickTime is finished he has to produce out of his TotalUnivrseMemoryBank or TUMB a king of a TV program. If the viewing rate is sufficient it can keep on broadcasting, if the rate is dropping below the limit it is back to a passive role in the BSSSUC. If the BioSample is very good it becomes a SuperSonyStar or SSS and gets for some time a full screen!!!! But it can also happen that the BioSample loses his power source. It can still broadcast for some time on batteries, but after then it is "out". It can lose a power source, for instance in getting in the shadow of another object in the universe.

Each BioSample has it's own clone called 2 (for instance MadMax has MadMax 2). If one of BioSamples is destroyed by who knows what a new clone is automatically created.

Why they are not all the BioSamples the same and broadcasting the same program. (See "Status report" later)


China queen (Bladerunner), China faces talking in Chines end English 20 sec.

Spiritus Vivendi, Peter hairdresser like full white and sophisticated

Doppler effect, a group of people from an old Max program.

On the screen, we can also see some other information, like time, energy /energy meter. viewing rate, total broadcasting time...

The receiving of the matrix channel is interrupted because this is a new BioSample to start up its new life.

Status report. All small fields are changed in report windows. First, it gets a total report of its conditions, starting with bar code, clone status, energy supply memory status, sampling rate, amount of new samples created. The middle screen is filled with BSSSUC logo an in the end with text: Installing successful.

Because we are in brand new BioSample it gets all that activity. When it is completed the BioSample has to choose his name.

Text in the middle screen: Choose Your name. Characters are running around the screen and at the end of the process, the name MadMax and MadMax 2 is selected.

He chooses a name MadMax so his auto clone gets name MadMax 2. After this operation, BioSamples has to choose his image.

The middle screen is filled with numbers. A small one with faces. A certain number of the combination is selected. 14327685485. The screen is dissolved in the metal looking like surface from which silver metal face is appearing. When the whole face is formed it open the eyes.


The name ends the face are then liked to some existing PersonalData based on real events and personalities in the past from TUMB and sometimes modify if another BioSample is already using the some data. So each BioSample has a different starting point in it's NewNextLive and therefore they differ from each other.

When all this is finished the new message appears on the screen.



Auto Presentation Tour  or APT:

Each new BioSample gets its intro in which it is faced with the environment it is in and "the rules of the game". The whole program part with subtitle ATP is designed as a product presentation. In the beginning, we (or it) get some facts from the history which leads in the present situation, then a description of the present situation and its role in it.

Title Auto Presentation Tour  - APT  and than BSSSUC logo  (in the middle of the matrix channel)

A beautiful female face is starting to present the program

Welcome back in the future. You are in BioHeavens, BioHell or whatever you want to be. If you don't like where you ate go somewhere else. You will always be with us.

It is so nice to have you with us. You are like new babies, and you will stay like ones forever. Isn't that beautiful!

But let me introduce you around. For better understanding, we have to go a little in the virtual past.

Text Past and then Year 1990 - 2000  appear on the screen. And then shots of streets, trains,  full of people. Highways are full of cars, shopping mess... With other words today world.

Male voice:

It all started in that funny period when analogue was still dominated life form and time still fix dimension...

A family sitting in front of the TV eating,  making love, getting a visit, going out and in fast motion. The whole day passes by in a few seconds. ....(Sony commercial)

... but it didn't last long. Very soon one of the first real inventions of BioSampleSuperSonyUniverseComunity  or BSSSUC was used more and more. In this time they still call it TV apparat and behave funny in front of one ...


The text Year 2000 - 2100  appear on the screen.30 sec.

The big fat man is sitting alone in a very small room and staring in the TV.

They are tubes all around him and he is sticking them in the mouth. They are

food supplies. The monitor is getting closer and closer until in is in his face.

Stile of his face and what he is wearing is changing all the time.

On the end we see a "monitor" with all the tubes plugged instead of his head, broadcasting his head, which is looking for something.

... but very soon things changed. Individuals become more and more involved, and the screen becomes closer and closer and the program moor and moor interesting

He is losing the picture because one of the cables went broken so he 05 sec.

hits his "head monitor" with his hands, and the picture is OK again.

(In all this sequence we have the pleasure to use some inserts of TV commercials.)

... but of course, they still have some problem with networking and transmitting the info...


The text Year 2100 - 2300 appears on the screen.20 sec.

Empty streets and houses, abandoned places, empty roads...

... the analogue world was less and less needed and was losing its form and shape



A lot of end of naked white bodies are standing in a 25 sec.

old factory, looking like a statue. The only trace of life

is in their eyes. One of the white bodies collapsed and after a while

his eyes are closed. The body evaporates very quickly.

... for a while, bodies were still needed to obtain the spirit of life end keeps the past saved in their analogue memories. The reality was abandoned and left forever...... there were still some dropouts, but their memory was successfully saved for later used in HumanMemoryDataBank or HMDB...

Text  Year 0  appear on the screen.15 sec.

Pictures of production in the digital industry.

... from here on things happen very fast. Very soon the first fully automatized production plants were auto-created. The so-called human bodies were replaced with millions of time smaller BioChips and later with BioSamples. They were still analogue produced, but all the rest was pure spirit. The digital becomes a dominating formula of our eternally.

She is back again, with her beautiful face.15 sec

We were finally back to the future, and the big book in finally closed. We reach the end of the beginning at some time. The eternally is established. Welcome at the present in which the past and the future are included. Welcome to the perfect world of BioSampleSuperSonyUniverseComunity.

Text Welcome at the perfect world of BioSampleSuperSonyUniverseComunity

How to play the game?

Voice off: 

The final dream is coming true! You should know that each BioSample, and so you to MadMax you are the best BioSample ever produced and the same as all others. You are a receiver and broadcaster of your own destiny. If you only receive a Program you are a passive element of our BioSampleSuperSonyUniverseComunity you are not feeling conscious of your own existence.  In old fashing words, you are dead??? The only thing you can broadcast at that period of time it's a still picture or so-called ID-PICT. If the other BioSample like and select your ID-PICT to watch it on the matrix,  your pre-made 20 sec. the long trailer of your own personality so-called ID-QuickTime. will be automatically presented and you become an active part of our Program in BioSampleSuperSonyUniverseComunity or lovely called BSSSUC and in that case aware of your perfect personality.  With other words you are alive. As soon as your ID-QuickTime is finished you have to produce out of our perfect TotalUnivrseMemoryBank or TUMB a beautiful TV program every BioSample will love to watch. Create your world in less than seven days and than again! So you will be present forever.... but if your viewing rate is dropping below our modest and not hard to reach the limit,  you are back in the passive role in our beloved  BSSSUC. But if you, MadMax, are very good, you can become a SuperSonyStar or SSS and gets a full screen for yourself alone. Be the biggest, be the only one, be the super Star and take the whole screen for yourself. Can you imagine!!!  That is more than perfect!!!  You will be simply the best!


This text is covered with pictures from space, satellites simulations, graphs....

Now you have 30 seconds to make your 20 sec. ID-QuickTime. You are getting that kind of chance every 10 years so be ready 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0 NOW.......

A silver face starring in wide-angled camera not knowing what to do.

Confusion. He is looking stupid. Text: Act now! 05 sec.

My 20 sec. Code name Hendrix. I will animate a sequence of Jimi Hendrix music with my face.  From here on we have at least three options to finish the whole thing.


  1. The viewing rate is dropping and MadMax is thrown out of matrix so we are waiting to discover a new SSS (SuperSonyStar). We can start thinking about the series of programs with some interactivity built-in?
  2. MadMax is running out of energy and we are back with him in darkness.

A new virus PhilipsTheHorrible is attacking a BioSampleSuperSonyUniverseComunity and we have a plot for a series again.




Arnhem, 3 mei 1993



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