I’ll be back


When I moved to NLin 1991, I was still hoping to enter the film/TV production system. As a first attempt, I have contacted VPRO in 1992 and in may 1993 I have sent the “I’ll be back” script/proposal to Peter Mertens. The project got a green light under the condition that the budget will not accede 3.200,- euro, and the VPRO will keep all the copyrights. That was the moment I have lost all the trust in the Dutch TV world honesty.

The God and the Human

For a long time, I have been interested in the subject of living longer, immortality, in the combination of Virtual Reality, Information sampling, computer technology and philosophy. (1993)

The idea behind it is: on page X in the Bible (Genesis) is the following sentence:
So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

Since I do not believe in a higher Supreme Being I translate this to: “Man unconsciously created a vision of what he wants to be” A God.

I have the feeling, being on this road for more than two thousand years, we are getting closer and closer to reach our goal.

What is the difference between God and Man today? First. Visually they are the same.

The difference is that He is the creator and immortal and we, on the other hand, are only just starting to become the creators and that on an ever-increasing scale (spaceships are small planets, genetic engineering creates new life forms, we create new rivers, lakes, islands, mountains).

What’s missing is that we are not yet immortal (or maybe we already are? What about the frozen persons in America?) And how fast is progress in developing “human parts”? When will we be able to digitize our brains? When will the TV play in our brains?

The Intro

TV snow and some distorted and wage images on the huge screen somewhere in de industrial desert.

We hear:
“The last million of new BioSamples has been just released in the universe. They are blank, contain no data. As soon as the BioSamples reach any source of energy, they will auto-start uploading our Matrix channel.

Images of the BioSamples realising facility and the speakers are announcing:
Our mission is completed and auto-destruction program is started now.

The future does not exist any more. 

Long live the past.

Parts of the matrix channel start to appear on the screen.

We moved in the memory of one BioSamples later known as MadMax BioSample [:-) Slowly full matrix channel is uploaded and running.

There are many small images all-round the bigger square in the middle of the matrix. The small pictures are stills and changing all the time while the middle part contains the moving image and is telling a story, any story.

Each image has an owner “name”, in fact, a name of BioSample a number, representing the number of viewers (the other BioSamples) and the centre one has the highest number…

Still valid

I’m asking myself is these “story” is still interesting and worth producing in 2023?

The main idea was that this will be a “frame” for filmmakers to produce its own contribution to this theme of something similar and this way we will create some series of short movies/video art which will compete for the viewers and the best will be awarded…

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