All I can find in the past about AIRWALP PROJECT will be found here.

GOLI (Naked) / AirWalk BackGround
Not so the short description of the Project Airwalk (just some text from the past 2007)

Project Airwalk is an enterprise to create, produce, promote and distribute a feature film Airwalk for a worldwide audience, using the internet. It will largely depend on the internet technology and internet community for much of its creation, promotion and distribution processes.

The creation process, as well as pre-productions and the distribution processes, are now moved to the public domain. They become a part of the whole deal, part of the Film. With other words. The Film public life starts at the beginning of the film life and not on ti's realize date.

The slogan of the project is: Get Involved.

The official start of the project is: 07.07.07

The live-span is Five years.

How does it work?

First, we will have to rich, attract, motivate, build and create a large (enough) online community. In this way, we will create a social and cultural environment, which can then provide us with the intellectual and the material resources for successful production and distribution of the film Airwalk. We will invite the online community to participate in all the film making processes.

Personal comment: I had six scriptwriters until now. Karel was the last of them. And he is dead now, and I still don’t have a useful script. If I rely only on my physical, social community, then my resources tiny.

- To Create: Open source and user-generated content

From script to storyboard. All the members of the Project Airwalk community will be allowed to participate in the creative process.

An interactive Story-line will be placed online. (story-line is the first stage of story-board, but not taking account of the film camera position, which will be added later in the creation process).

Members will be able to edit, change, add and remove elements of the existing story-line to improve its quality. The elements are storyline, characters, dialogues, sounds, music, locations, stage design and so on.

The "creative department" of the Project Airwalk can and will accept or refuse any of the contributed elements and has the right to use any elements which in his opinion, improve the existing story-board. The contributors will be paid in money or awarded the "film shares" for their contributions.

Personal comment: I can choose whatever I like whenever I like—no democracy heir. The goal is not only the Process but also the Film.

The final product of this stage of film making process is the Interactive Storyboard, equipped with the timing, spoken dialogues, sounds, music, real locations, and (some) animations. A part of it will also be a production design plan. Let's call it “the Perfect Plan”.

- To Produce: The strength of the community

From storyboard to film. Assuming that “the Perfect Plan” is finished so that we can start now with the production process. The film Airwalk will be executed as professional as possible and will be done with the help of top professional according to the agreed budget. But first, we have to secure the budget.

Personal comment: Heir comes the tricky part. If this works out, we are in the horse saddle (as we say in Slovenia). Dino, you basically know this part, but for clarity reasons, I will repeat it.

The budget:

The financial means needed to create, produce, promote and distributed the film Airwalk will be partly provided from members of the Project Airwalk community and partly from the Project Airwalk Portal commercial activities, merchandising, sponsors and donators. The relationship is 60:40. The estimated budget is €3M.

The standard way of raising finances for feature films is:

Few people invest "big money". (film fond, commercial film)

But in our case, these principles are reverse:

A lot of people invest "small money" (but the result is the same)

The members have the right to buy 1 or more “film shares” valued at €100 each.

They own part of the film and share all the profits. Not that they will get rich, but it can be a lot of fun.

They also have unlimited access to all the online activities of the Project Airwalk Portal.

They have discounts on Project Airwalk Products in the online store.

We expect that the “shareholder” member will purchase in average 2 “film shares”.

In this case, we need to “find” about 9.000 members worldwide.

The other part of the budget will be provided from the commercial activities of the Project Airwalk Portal.

This is a store/shop, where all the members can sell their own products (like artwork, music, fashion, furniture, software etcetera). Of course, all the merchandising products from Project Airwalk will also be available. This should provide us with 25% of all the budget or €150.000,- per annum for five years running.

The rest of the budget should be provided from sponsorships and donors. (15%)

- To Promote: 30.000 members will become 30.000 promoters

The promotion is one of the key elements in our “Master Plan”.

Again, the online community is the driving force in promoting Project Airwalk. If we create an attractive environment for our target audience, we should be able to create enough portal traffic and attract enough member who will then act as promoters of the project. So more members more promoters. Our target is above 30.000. Is sound a lot, but if you split it to the, for instance, 30 countries worldwide, then we are talking 1000 per country in 3 years or 333 per year or 1 per day. Can be done!

We will certainly use all possible online channels, like YouTube, MySpace and many others, to promote the Project Airwalk.

- To Distribute: We will pick up any opportunity to earn money

The final product will be available in all media formats. From 35-mm for theatrical releases to downloadable and streaming versions. If possible and economically responsible, a special event will be held as premieres in some countries or regions. They will have a character of a live rock event and will be held outside of the theatrical cinemas (beach, park, sports stadium, rock concert hall...), with live music and local guest actor as a live voice-over.

Personal comment: Before and especially after the film projection should be a good party...

- The sweet end:

Project Airwalk is the first production of the Small Cinema Foundation.

SmallCinema Foundation is the webspace, where authors, production companies or another legal subject can meet, present and promote their proposals for web and audiovisual productions.

This way, they can attempt to get the creative and or financial support for their production from the Small Cinema online community.

SmallCinema acts as a generator, connector or/and as a producer for Web-productions and other Audio Visual Media Productions.

The fee is paid to enter the pitch process. If the pitch process is successful, then acts Small Cinema as a producer.

SmallCinema also takes care of the production, distribution and promotion of its products.

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